District 4 Congressional Candidates (and FAQs)

new pa map
The new congressional map released Monday by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Thanks to the new map, all of Upper Perkiomen Valley School District is in the same congressional district – District 4! The Pennsylvania primary election is Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Three individuals have announced they are running in the Democratic primary for our newly drawn congressional district; (Pa State Representative) Mary Jo Daley, (Pa. State Representative) Madeline Dean, and  Shira Goodman (yes, all women!).

On Tuesday, April 3, 2018, you can meet and talk with these 3 congressional candidates, along with our area’s democratic candidates for PA State House; Andy Lee and Josh Camson, and PA State Senate, Linda Fields. The Upper Perk Area 2 meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Upper Perkiomen Middle School, 510 Jefferson Street, East Greenville, PA and is open to the public.


A few FAQs

  • Pennsylvania has 18 congressional districts.
  • Each congressional district elects one Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • The U.S. House of Representatives has 435 voting representatives.
  • Each congressional district has roughly 710,000 people in it (as of the 2010 census).
  • Ideally, each district is composed of communities, cities/suburbs/rural areas with shared interests (not voter registration).

October 1st – Area 2 Democrats’ “Ox Roast”

oxroast2017Once upon a time, the Upper Perkiomen Democratic Club held an annual fall “Ox Roast” at Isaac Smith Park in Green Lane, PA. In the days preceding the event, local Democratic volunteers would be busy chopping veggies for homemade clam chowder, shucking corn for corn on the cob. and making all sorts of homemade cakes and cookies for dessert and for the cake walk (a kind of musical chairs fundraiser where the winner got to take home a cake!) On the day of the event, volunteers would take turns working in the kitchen heating up the roast beef for hot sandwiches, and serving other good tasting food. The birch beer and beer were both in kegs and self-serve. This was always a good time and a good day to catch up with visiting Democratic candidates and politicians, as well as with your like minded neighbors and friends.

But those days are long gone, and for several years now, the Area 2 Democratic Committee has taken up the fall tradition, albeit with their own modern twists. Local, county, and state Democratic politicians and candidates still come out to our corner of the county to meet and greet local democrats at the “Ox Roast” and there is still plenty of good food (most of it now catered, but just as tasty), and I am told there is still the occasional “cake walk.” The venue has changed – it is now held at Macoby Run Golf Course, 5275 McLean Road (still in Green Lane, however!), and local musicians play their tunes and add to the merriment. It is still held outdoors, and there is still a covered pavilion for protection from the elements; the event will be held rain or shine on Sunday, October 1st, 2017.

Best bet to insure that there is enough food and drink for all is to buy your ticket in advance; $40 per person, guests 18 and under are free – so bring the whole family! RSVP to area2dems@gmail.com   and make your check payable to Area 2 Dems and mail it to Area 2 Dems, PO Box 33, Green Lane, PA or use Paypal (link on Area 2 Facebook page)

County Commissioners Arkoosh and Lawrence in Upper Perk – Monday, March 20th

Montgomery County Commissioners Arkoosh and Lawrence (both Democrats) will be attending the Area 2 Upper Perk Democratic Committee Meeting this evening, Monday, March 20, 2017 at the Upper Perk Education Center,  2229 E Buck Rd, Pennsburg, PA. Democratic candidates for local and county offices will also be in attendance, and speaking briefly. There will also be discussion about upcoming events including a training events for Getting Out the Vote, outreach, poll volunteers (and those considering volunteering at the polls), social action, and more.

The doors open at 7:15 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is open to all Democrats!

Looking to run for office in 2017?

There are multiple school board positions, township supervisors and borough council member seats, and mayoral offices up for election, among other local positions in 2017.

If you are a Democrat and thinking about running for local office this year, you should stop by the Area 2 Upper Perk Democratic Party meeting tonight in Pennsburg, at the home of Marjorie Frazier- 211 Seminary Street. Refreshments and conversation starts at 7:00, meeting at 7:30. The Area 2 Committee is made up of the people who can answer your questions about running for office,  help you get on the ballot in the primary, and get elected in the fall. There are multiple school board positions, township supervisors and borough council member seats, and mayoral offices up for election, among other local positions in 2017.

Beautiful Day for a Parade!

Okay, so maybe Upper Perk’s Halloween Parade doesn’t start until this evening at 6 p.m. (Quakertown’s Parade is earlier this afternoon, 2 p.m.), but it should be a lovely crisp and clear autumn night – and the Upper Perkiomen Democratic Club, along with Area 2 Democrats, and Democratic candidates, will be in the very first division! The Upper Perk Parade starts off from the Red Hill Fire Company, and goes along Main Street through the three towns, ending at the East Greenville Fire Company at 4th and Washington Street.

If you’d like to be part of the parade, dress up in red, white, and blue, or as a scarecrow, or perhaps as a Secret Service official (NO toy guns or toy weapons) – just remember “when they go low, we go high” – and meet up with our group in front of the Red Hill Fire Company at 5 p.m.  There is very limited parking at the start of the parade, so people are encouraged to park by the East Greenville Fire Company and take a free shuttle bus between the fire companies (shuttles start around 4:45 p.m.)

April 9th – Area 2 Fundraiser

Our friends, the Area 2 Upper Perk Democratic Committee, are holding a dance party at Green Lane Firehouse on Saturday, April 9, 2016. The J. B. Kline Band will start the music at 6:30 p.m. Ticket price ($25 per person, $40 per couple) includes a light dinner. Cash bar on site benefits Green Lane Fire Company. There are a limited number of tickets, so we suggest you buy them in advance – contact Kathy Kulp; email kathy.kulp@yahoo.com for tickets.